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Come Drink With Us! Free Tea Tasting Friday night Sept 11, 7-8:30 pm

One of the joys of owning a tea business is the endless opportunities we have to discover new teas.  Suppliers are always sending something new, or we get on the trail of a new brew and bring in a sample.  On the other hand, one of the challenges of owning a tea business is trying to decide what our customers will like.

Long ago we decided that the best people to ask are the people whose opinion matters most: our customers.  It has become a tradition to have a "Tasting Night" to brew samples, enjoy tasting them together, and grade the results.

Come join us for a free tasting!  Friday night  Sept 11 from 7-8:30.  No charge, come as you are, and we'll drink through samples of teas from all over the world.  All we ask is your candid/frank/honest verdict of whether you would "Buy This Tea" or "Bin This Tea".

Seating and space is limited, so please register by email at or phone 604.703.1178.


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